I like to open Christmas gifts that are not meant for me. ~ Phoebe
Well what do you expect, I can’t read!

I like to open Christmas gifts that are not meant for me. ~ Phoebe
Ginger got put in doggy jail.
“First, I shredded mom’s new Santa decoration. Then, I ate baby Jesus and vomited him up at the foot of mom’s bed at 4:00 am”
This is Sasha Belle, our two year old German Shepherd. She is destroying our beautiful Christmas tree one ornament at a time.
Titus decided that it would be a good idea to eat the couch…this was his punishment.
I am just guarding “OUR TURKEY”….
Our precious four legged son, Willoughby DID NOT MOVE AT ALL… while my husband was carving a Turkey…
Cosette decided to start AND finish the Thanksgiving pumpkin pie the night before Thanksgiving and managed not to break the pie plate in the process of getting it off the counter! She was very sorry.
I had just taken the turkey out of the over and left it on the counter to cool. I then went up and got my shower, thinking the pan was to hot for the cats to mess with. Boy, was I wrong! My oldest cat, who is a rescue and has yet to break the habit of stealing food, knocked over the pan. When I came back down, I found our five cats and Saphera finishing off the last of the turkey.
I ate all the turkey (With the help of the cats)
Happy Thanksgiving (the pumpkin pie was great!!!)
Porter pulled the grocery bag off the counter and found the pumpkin pie an hour before dinner…
After a long night of pumping his stomach and putting charcoal in…Bentley is ok!