I killed the vicious pillow and now I’m pooping huge balls of stuffing
I Thought Stuffing was for Thanksgiving Only

I killed the vicious pillow and now I’m pooping huge balls of stuffing
Happy Thanksgiving (the pumpkin pie was great!!!)
Porter pulled the grocery bag off the counter and found the pumpkin pie an hour before dinner…
I made a turkey wrap for my husband’s lunch, walked away for a few seconds and Chance, aka the blond haired thief, stole it and ate it! He at least looks sorry.
The sign says, I ate my dad’s turkey wrap my mom made for his lunch. Snatched it right off the counter.
Lulu was feeling left out in the Thanksgiving festivities so she had her own little party involving her dad’s wallet. She completely destroyed all credit/debit cards and left him with one chewed up 10! She’s not at all sorry! Next time share the real meal and your things won’t get hurt! Gobble gobble! Love Lulu
Thanksgiving is long over, so I ate my brother’s Thanksgiving sweater.
Freddie the Lab helped himself to the candied yams that were prepared for the Thanksgiving dinner.
Riggs ate an entire pumpkin pie the night before Thanksgiving!
Diego got into the trash and had himself his own Thanksgiving meal (a little early) and he’s in a little bit of a food coma….
Cosette decided to start AND finish the Thanksgiving pumpkin pie the night before Thanksgiving and managed not to break the pie plate in the process of getting it off the counter! She was very sorry.
Came home Thanksgiving night to discover Lucy had chewed off the wooden heads off Mom’s Navajo sheep. Little pieces of wood were everywhere.