We have owned Stella, Clyde and Gerty all since they were babies. First Stella, 6 months later Clyde then a year later Gerty. Now with three black pugs it is kind of hard to tell who’s causing the trouble when we are not around, so no one gets scolded because they are too sneaky to do anything right in front of us!
“I spent the night with the neighbours, I didn’t tell my mom. She cried for 3 hours. No shame!”
– Violet
My 11 year old pug some how got out of our locked yard last night, our neighbours picked her up and dropped her off this morning. I got up at 7 am looking for her and had an anxiety attack. She was fine, and casually ate half of my father’s egg sandwich when she returned home.
Milo was adopted from Sacramento County Animal Shelter in 2008. When his tummy’s upset, he barfs on the rug. But he cleans it up himself; which is both convenient and gross!
Shimano loves to snuggle in the bed in the wee hours of the morning. On this day he just ate his breakfast too fast and couldn’t keep it down…at least not the first time.