Bixby was caught in the act of counter-surfing a whole roast chicken. He is officially grounded.
Counter Chicken is the BEST

Bixby was caught in the act of counter-surfing a whole roast chicken. He is officially grounded.
Don’t let the big, brown eyes fool you. Beneath them lie the stealth of a ninja and the appetite of a labrador.
Nigel, who leaves a disgusting smear from his greasy back on the store-room’s stucco wall. I have heard from many that this is not uncommon… every dog-owning friend I know has a stained wall or sofa somewhere.
My 20lb Mini Schnauzer, Samson, decided the top of my BRAND NEW table was a great location to look out the window. Too bad he decided to tap dance while he was up there and leave 6 inch long gouges all over the table.
Caught in the act of making our new “doggie door”. We tried fixing the door 4 or 5 times but it was no use. Looks like it’s here to stay.
My mommy has to buy a crate for my little brother because he’s an escape artist. She comes home to him barking at the front door and the baby crying next door because of his barking. I’m no angel either. I like to bully my brother for his food and water and I love hoarding his bones too. But she still loves us though.
Scruffy and Cheonsa. (Doggy disturbance in Korea.)
I dig holes in my Noni’s yard even though she’s nice enough to let me stay here. – Guinness
I steal catnip packets from the kitty’s stocking…Jack thinks ANYthing even remotely edible is his by default.
Brodie was given a brand new Santa toy. He chewed it up in under 30 sceonds then he peed on it. Yep, it is the naughty list for him.
Buddy, our sweet dog, is scared of anything that makes a loud noise or sounds like a rocket, including farts. He jumps in toilets, sinks, trash cans, and typically tries to dig away from the sound. Nothing helps him.