You may remember Bronson from a few weeks back. We’re happy to announce that Bronson was adopted! Here’s what Beth, his new dog mom had to say about him:
Recently you featured a Victorian Dog on here called Bronson (his shaming was related to him peeing in his foster parents car after his nuetering operation!) I would like to let you know that he has now been adopted by myself (Beth), my partner Craig, and our beagle Ellie!
He’s a wonderful fit into our family and I would love to thank his foster parents Kelsy and Travis for taking him out of the pound he was in and giving us the opportunity to provide him a new home. He travelled a long distance to join our family (approx 4,300 kms across 2 days through a combination of driving and flying. He travelled across 2 times zones and 2 states in Australia) in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
He gets on royally well with our little Beagle Ellie as you can see from the pics attached!
Congrats to you Bronson!!