I have a tough name, but I’m really a softie!
Harley is being fostered through Noah’s Bark in Manhattan Beach, CA. Harley is a beautiful girl with an ugly, all to common story. She was used as a breeder dog by an illegal puppy mill, forced to have litter after litter after litter. Fast forward several months….Harley is now safe and healthy and happy in her foster home! She has put on weight and is toned from her five mile hikes and runs daily. She lives in a busy household with other dogs, adults, and small children and gets along with all of them. She will always have that maternal instinct and loves to “mother” puppies when she sees them. She will make a wonderful family dog and so deserves to continue to enjoy what a dog’s life should be! Harley is about 3-4 years old, is house trained, crate trained and leash trained.
Here is her profile.
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