“I ate one of mom’s brand new ornaments less than an hour after she put it on the tree.”
Otis, my 5 yr old sons 16 week old English Bulldog puppy, watched me decorate the Christmas tree with my beautiful brand new ornaments. I was amazed that he didnt try to “help” me, just watched. Not long after, he came to me with a red glitter covered nose and mouth… and the remains of what was a sparkly red ball, all smiles and wagging behind (buldogs wag their whole rear ends 😉 He was so proud of himself…
jennifer kepner
Omg…YES!!! Ours never ate the ornament, but the glitter covered bulldog nose is an all too familiar site 😀
Maria Linden
Fortunately, ours was only into chewing gifts and luckily they opened only theirs!
Otis is ADORABLE!! Good thing after eating the ornament!