I pass gas in bed and blame it on my foster mom. Ringo is being adopted through the Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee.
Ringo was found as a stray and a wonderful family took him in and brought him to the rescue. He is estimated to be around 5 years of age and was just fully vetted. His teeth look like 2 yrs old. Maybe he’s just had it tough. He is now on heartworm as well as flea/tick preventative. He currently weights 17 pounds but ideally should fill out to around 20 lbs. He has such as wonderful and loving personality and gives the best kisses!
Boston Terriers are one of the best family dogs they are. They have such awesome personalities!!!
LOL that is so cute…. but we love them anyway
If you could post him to England he could sleep with my two Boston girls!.
Rio loves her new home in Virginia