My people have to put wood in front of the fireplace to keep me from burning my nose on it. -Belle
My sister won’t let me get warm – Jingle
Our dogs love the fire but Belle thinks it being to her alone. She pushes Jingle away if she starts getting too close and will get so close herself that she is in danger of burning herself on the glass. She has to be pushed out of the way to add wood.
Gretchen Wurtz
When I was a kid our dog used to sleep in front of the wood burning fireplace. I used to think that is what it meant when the dog was “in heat”. LOL
Thats funny!
Amanda Sabree
That’s hilarious! lol
Sharon Eaton
My boxer Murphy used to curl up on the hearth as close as she could get to the screen. She’d be baking hot and in heaven.
Clever names and cute pooches!
One time a we had a fire that was almost out and we went to bed, a log fell out of the fireplace and rolled onto the area rug. Our dog Moose started barking his head off and ran back and forth between the bedrooms and living room. We got up and a small fire was starting. If Moose hadn’t let us know when he did, who knows what might’ve happened!
What kind of dogs are these? They are so pretty.
Sorry, Cate. They are sharpei/ lab mixes.
Carol Bilbo
All sweet stories,and are reminders how dogs watch over us always….. Our German shepherd saved all of us in our home the fireplace started a fire in wall one evening . My dad and a neighbor got it out . Dad put out fire in hearth. He went to bed about 10 thirty P.M. around 2 a.m. hobo got all up it was whole wall ablaze. We got out but the firemen said few more mins we would have had to go out window!! Hobo never even tried to get attention..