This is Lucky, who has eaten everything we own. He has eaten water hoses, books, dryer vents and grill parts. He once ate a sock in April and passed it in September. He needed a 4-inch incision to remove the rubber scraper. He’s old now and doesn’t eat as much weird stuff. Thank goodness.
I had a yellow lab who tried to eat a lightbulb once.
My beagle ate my earring. My favorite star shaped earring. With lots of points. I did not search his poop, but I’m a better dog-person now!
Still laughing about the sock!
Awwww, he looks just like my old black lab! And my lab used to eat some fairly horrifying things when he was younger, too.
My parents lab ate a pool pump, numerous dryer vents, a dog house I spent an entire Sunday afternoon with my Dad making for him, a 10 foot climbing rose bush and that i just to name a few.
Our Weim loves to eat socks. We call them resurrection socks because three days after she eats one, she barfs it back up. It never seems to bother her because her appetite and energy level is fine while we are awaiting the reappearance of the sock
Awww…poor dumb Lucky! <3 My dog tries to eat Christmas ornaments. The thin glass ones. I do not know how she hasn't gotten cut yet, because she's broken a couple of them in her mouth. DERRRR! LOL
Mary Guhin
My various dogs have eaten many startling things, the most expensive being a Stickley coffee table, several oversized expensive art books, and a new Blackberry smart phone.
My black lab peeled the bark off a tree. Peed it like a banana.
I guess he is appropriately named…he is “Lucky” to have gotten the owners he did to put up with his antics…and foreign body surgery…
The two lab mixes next door are total chowhounds. Kelso shamelessly begs for food if he sees anyone with anything (and will steal anything left unattended or within his reach), and Duncan once chewed a hole in the wall. 🙂 Someone dropped a fork once and they got in a scuffle with the equally food-motivated westie who also lives there, which sent her to the vet for scratches.
Linda Campbell
My toy poodle ate 5 foam rubber ear plugs. She had to have eaten them before 10 AM on Sunday and barfed up 3 on Tuesday morning. On Wednesday she pooped out one and on thursday she pooped out one more. She weighs about 6 pounds….without the foam rubber!
My dog ate one Sunday she hasn’t pooped or they it up . I heard if it doesn’t pass they need to surgically remove? How did u get yours to poop it out
Yeah, I work at a vet. We have a dog hospitalized right now, and we’re waiting to see of the hat passes overnight, or if we’re doing exploratory surgery in the morning. *sigh*
Murphy's mom
my black lab ate a plastic shopping bag…the only reason I knew was watching her poop in out in the yard one day…Gotta love those labs !!!!
I just pulled ANOTHER thong out of EmmiRose!
Farmors Katt
Thinking before you eat is like licking your bum _before_ you poop; everyone knows that!
Katt, that is my new best saying ever!
We paid out $1800 for a piece of tennis ball to be removed from our bull terrier, Boo. Would have been less, but he had filled his tummy with all kinds of junk trying to barf.
Kelly evon
I love lucky. I have a chocolate lab. She has eaten every pair of flip flops I own, a hole in all three pieces of our new living room set ( artfully covered with throws and pillows) , and she loves socks more than her toys. She’s lucky she is so cute!!!!!