We did not feel comfortable with leaving the dogs all together since they had just met the day before, so we put Kula in a room by herself along with some toys. We were gone 2 hours and came home to her peeking her head out of the bottom of the door. All we could do is laugh, who could get mad at that sweet face.
lol…my grandpuppy did exactly the same thing. I also just had to laugh but I felt so sorry for the poor thing. A door’s a pretty cheap thing to fix.
My little girl Dolce did the same thing. I had to take my brother to an emergency dentist appt. I had two dogs who weren’t the best of friends so I put her in my bedroom. We came back to a ripped up carpet and door. Except we’re in a rental! Lol!
Oh my goodness! Our beagle did something similar once. She was confined to the kitchen one afternoon while I was at work and I returned home to find that she had chewed two kitchen table legs off and eaten her bed which had a a feather pillow in it. She pooped feathers for days.
Look at that cute face! What a sweetie-pie. Last summer my mother in law was watching our dog for a few days and confined him to the pantry while she did an errand. He jump up onto the freezer and ate all the marshmallows! What a little stinker.
It’s never your fault Kula! You are too cute to ever be ashamed!
Awww – she got lonely by herself!! Bless you (and the others who’ve survived this – LOL) for finding humor instead of anger.
awww, but she really does look sorry!
We could never be mad at her, she is the sweetest dog, just has a little separation anxiety. We definitely were not mad at her, we actually felt bad.
Brenda Trevino
We learned after one destroyed door that crate training is a good thing!
Ann Y.
When I got my girl Kassie in 1996 (she passed at the end of 2011), the first night she was home, I had to run out real quick so I left her in one of the bedrooms with the door closed because I wasn’t sure how the other dogs in the house would react. I came home to the door chewed up just like in the picture and a very happy Kassie romping with all the other dogs. Good thing it was a cheap door! 🙂