Nut actually had the poop scared out of him (all over a TSA agent) when he went through airport security. The agent had to leave his station to go clean up. So embarrassing!
“I had the largest poop of my life on a TSA agent when my human was going through airport security. I’m a nervous flyer. – Nut”
Give that dog a medal.
So that’s a great thing! TSA deserves all the &&&& they can hold!
NUT is very cute, luv his ears
Good job Nut!!
Pat jaggers
Thank you, Nut!
Zubov Stars
Mr. TSA man, Don’t touch Nut’s junk!
lol aw, poor baby!
i believe ur little cutie just became a hero to many
I want to personally thank her for doing what I can’t do but want to.
TSA Scares the crap out of me too.
meowers from missouri
well done, nut! we’s proud of you!!
This post has made Nut a very popular pooch!
Cheryl Moore
Those are some of the cutest ears, ever!
Nut is absolutely gorgeous! I need Nut in my life!
The Best. Ears. Ever.
Hey, I’m a TSA officer! Thank goodness Nut does not fly through my airport, lol. BTW, not all TSA officers are bad 😉
Pam B
That’s a rather harsh (and crazy) response.
Karen McCreary
Love the ears! If he flaps them hard enough he won’t need to fly on a plane.
give him a steak! TSA Agents deserve it!
Pam B
Someone’s going to be added to watch lists!
Gotta say two things…one, TSA agents were very good to me when I flew with my 5-wk old son, so there are definitely at least some good humans inside those suits. Two, those ears are PRICELESS! 😀
Lisa Simeone
Bravo! Glad somebody’s giving TSA agents the sh*t they deserve.