“Fairies aren’t real anyways” – Kafrey and Six
I came home to find that *someone* ate their sister’s favorite new puzzle. (I put it together hoping that there wouldn’t be any missing pieces. No such luck.)
It was probably Six, but Kafrey won’t snitch. See you again in a couple days, Tink.
Camille L
They are too perfect. The one on the right (Six?) is totally saying, “Don’t say anything” through gritted teeth. Love them.
Six is saying: “You snitch, you’ll have to answer to me”. Love the pitiful look on Kafrey.
i think the one on the left ( Kafrey ?) knows there’s trouble and Six? – well Six just doesn’t care lol
OMG their faces are priceless!
I think the one on the left is saying “Oh no, oh no, oh no” and the one on the right is just weary of the whole situation. They’re both gorgeous.
sandra mcculloch
They are just removing the naughty bits!