I don’t trust my dad’s pants.
For some reason, Kronk (our 1 year old, 140 lb great dane) can’t handle my husband wearing pants. Jeans, sweats, shorts, if my husband is wearing them, Kronk tries to take them off. He’s even pulled my husband right off his chair! Kronk never has issues with anyone else’s pants, just my husband’s…
Amanda McCracken
That’s a new one! Lol!
Jane McBride
Would he try wearing a dress?
try having him wear a kilt!
I have a 1yr old german shepherd who is like that if i wear watches or bracelets on my wrists. He will try to pull/chew them off.
He is darling! Too funny.
He just wants Dad to be comfey.
awwww, maybe he figures since he doesn’t wear pants, his dad shouldn’t either?
Susan D
Who knows what goes thru a dog’s mind? Too funny!
Naked house?
We had a dog once who would attack my husband whenever he wore his kilt. What does Kronk expect your husband to wear?
Bobbie Grumbling
He is a BIG DOG…. maybe he just wants a pair of his own! LOL
Amy Goodson
LOL..Best dog shaming yet!
Maybe he should try wearing leggings? Lmao!
1 yr old. Perhaps the big guy is still teething. Near the end. And your husband’s pants gives the big fella the best “teeth” test?
Bullitts Mom
My dog pulls my socks off!!
your dog is named Kronk! that is soooooo awesome! beware the grooooove!