Gandalf can’t help himself when there’s a glass of water anywhere. He seeks them out won’t stop until he’s had a drink, despite the fact that he has water in two other spots in the house. For a while putting a coaster on top of the glass deterred him, but he’s figured out how to push it off!
Pixie Marie
My dogs do that too. A travel mug is all that keeps them out.
Shortly after adopting a kitty, I found out he’d stick his paw down in my glass and then lick off his paw. Not cute in general and concerning when it was a screwdriver.
One of my cats would do that, esecially with my bedside water glass. As an elegant touch she’d finish off by shaking her paw to remove any lingering water drops, drops that invariably ended up on my naked flesh *UGH*
Jennifer Smith Walker
Yes! My cats think no water is as good as the water in our glasses. Gah!
I don’t understand the caption on this photo. Should it have been edited? What does “water are belong to me” mean?
Karen, this link may help you out: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/all-your-base-are-belong-to-us
It’s a reference to a very badly translated game from I believe the ’80s where the villain says “All your base are belong to us!”. It’s used pretty often in American pop-culture to this day.
Nicole Mether
In cute pictures generally cats talk like that. I guess it’s a cat thing?
christy zenon
<3 cute!
I’m lucky my Kitties will drink out of mine, but if there are guests they know that they are absolutely NOT to drink out of theirs.
Pinta's People
Gandalf could well be some pups adopted brother or cousin 😉 And family is family.
Besides he is cute
Karen – it is a geek thing 🙂 A videogame translation came out to “all your base are belong to us” instead of “your base now belongs to us” in the early 90’s and it was made popular again around 2000 with a video. Guess it is still around.
What a cutie! Our dog and cat both do this – they will ignore fresh, cool water in their bowls for stale water in a glass anytime. Interesting to see they are not the only ones.
Tracy Marander
Long before there were reusable water bottles or plastic ones, I finally figured out to put my water in an old juice jar with a lid, so my cat would stop drinking, putting his paws in, or knocking over the water glass.
Try giving him his own glass of water. I do that with my friend’s cat when she comes to my place. It usually satisfies her.
The Brussels Cook(er)
Never seen this dog breed before – what exactly is it?
A purebred kitteh dog!
Lea Medeiros
You might want to try a pet fountain – the “fresh” water fools my cats, who were so picky they’d only drink from a faucet until I got a pet fountain. Definitely figure something out – cats need lots of water to avoid kidney problems!
Tinfoil with a straw poked through works for me. Got the idea from my mom — works for her too!