Caesar, Cicero, Hiram, and Brutus came to live with me when they were about 3 weeks old as foster pups (part of a litter of 13 dumped at the local animal shelter). No one ever wanted them so they are my boys. This was them at about 7 months old. Now they are a year old and about 70 pounds each. Through this year they have chewed and destroyed sheetrock, 4 pairs of shoes, fabric for a quilt I was making, seats on outdoor table chairs, footboard of a bed, telephone cord, computer mouse cord, no-line trifocals, lined trifocals, car bumper, flashlight, carpet in the back room (it is now just a dog room), numerous dog beds, azaleas, dwarf nandinas, mimosa, ,tablecloths, bedspread, miniblinds, mattress pad, garden hoses, soaker hoses, $100 electronic collar, new dog collars, and 7 chairs. They have also scratched up hood on car and throw up in car every time they have to go anywhere. They have torn down fences and have dug up huge areas of the yard. I still adore them.
Editor’s note: You are an amazing dog-mom! Keep up the good work!
How could you NOT adore them! Look at those FACES!! 🙂
the are the bupases from christmas story. LOL Love them.
Sue Ellen Hiler Curtis
That is unconditional love. LOL Funny how they steal your heart and your wallet!!!
Kryssie Nicole
They are adorable destroyers!
The faces! I can’t take the cuteness!
Thank you for taking care of them.
Love to hear stories about amazing foster parents. But bless your heart! LOL I got a good chuckle. You are a wonderful mommy!
l. grimshaw
I imagine it’s VERY hard to find time to exercise 4 dogs!!! …but they say a tired dog is a well behaved dog! 😉
Gina Fifty-eight
Need to get a Adult trike and get two bike adapters on either side with two leash couplers and get on it and tell them to RUN RUN RUN!!!
mom of a destroyer
THey are so fortunate to have your loving home to call their own. 🙂
They keep on destroying. They have now destroyed my remote to my satellite dish, dug a cave under the concrete slab of the carport, and chewed through the cord of my printer. I’ve taken 5 chairs to the county dump. Their “room” is down it the subfloor with no coverings on the windows. The dog on the far right runs over my car instead of around it. He sleeps on the camper shell of the truck. I do love them dearly and I’m saving my money for a complete redo if they ever grow up.
Hazel Brown
<3 <3 <3
Jude Gagner
I’ve always looked at old teeth marks on my furniture in a nostalgic way, as each mark, chomp or claw mark reminds me of the ones who did it and have passed on.
“The dog on the far right runs over my car instead of around it.” Oh gosh, I laughed out loud (in a doctor’s waiting room) while reading this cause I imagined it in my head. What a great mom you are!
They look just like my 6mos old Madison..what have I gotten myself into??!
Adorable. They’re lucky they’re cute!
c reeves
Typical teenagers.
Zubov Stars
Love the smiles on the two pups on the right.
You are an awesome dog mom. I only had 1 that did all of the same destruction, I couldn’t imagine 4. I applaud you and I am glad there is someone else out there with the patience and love it takes to take care of crazy dogs… I will say once mine turned two it was a difference of night and day. 🙂
Hazel Brown
You are a saint! How could you not love those faces? I’m sure it was all worth it. How did you get them all to sit still at one time?
We go on a mile walk every day. I would take them for a longer walk, but I have 5 others to walk (all rescue, mostly dumped on my country road). I’m 65 years old and fat. My knees won’t take longer walks. The two little dogs (making 11 dogs in all) have to get their exercise running around in my huge yard.
The dogs pictured will all sit and “wait” when I open the gate. They try to look calm so we can walk down the road. We do really well unless a squirrel or deer crosses our path.
D Forbes
Love their innocent faces!…to quote my DH, “what they don’t sh_t on, they destroy!
I posted this on the facebook page of dog shaming, so I don’t know if you saw it. But I think you are awesome for taking in these four sweeties. Black labs and black lab mixes are notoriously overlooked in shelters! Kudos to you! I think you should find some local kids who might need some service hours for church or school and get them to run and play with your dogs. You know how families who have quads or quints end up getting a lot of community volunteers to help with feedings, diapers, etc…. That’s what you need! some volunteers!!! Best wishes!
Linda Mallery
You are awesome, what a wonderful dog-mom.
Nancy K. Gardner Shute
But they sit sooooooo pretty. Lovely pups.
Angela Dudek
love them.
Susan Bechhoefer
You are their guardian angel <3
Allison Landreth
The patience of a saint! Glad you are loving them and taking care of them! Maybe they’ll calm down some when they get a little older? Nah, prolly not! 🙂
Willa Jessee
I want to worship at your feet! I have only 2, older dogs (although they both are large) and I am 10 years younger than you, (although perhaps fatter ;~) )and I find it difficult to walk them both at once.
God bless you for all the loving care and kindness you give these dogs.You are my hero!
Lynnette Martinez
You are an awesome dog mom, love people like you!
Brenda Rapp Sabo
I have 1 that can & does all that… :/
You’re awesome for taking such good care of your adorably destructive cutie-pups!!
You may want to think about getting a little 3-wheeled “sled” — the kind that folks use to train their huskies during the summer months (it looks kind of like a big radioflyer wagon, but with only 3 wheels; big, strong, sturdy off-roading wheels). The human sits or stands int he back, and the pups are harnessed to the front and pull the “sled”.
My parents have a cottage in the Muskokas and several of their neighbours have these contraptions — the dogs LOOOOOOVE pulling the “sled”, kids (like me when I was little) loooooove riding in the sled and the dogs are too tired to get up to any mischef afterwards ;0)
The worst thing I saw on that list that they destroyed was the mimosa. I’m thinking you really probably needed that! 😉
Mimosa is a type of tree. I guess that was the mimosa that they destroyed! I used to have one in my yard until it died. They aren’t huge, like an oak tree. I’m sure these four fellas could easily destroy one.
Sharyn Bernard Mulqueen
I don’t know who is sweeter, you or them. 🙂
Derrel Thompson
all of that to replace… pricey
the love they have for you …priceless
I wonder what the damage would have been if their names were Stalin, Saddam, Attila, and Genghis? Woof, woof, arf, arf…good mom!!!
OMG – what cracked me up is that every time they go in the car they throw up. I have two little dogs and they are difficult to walk at once – I can imagine these guys! Bless you for all you do.
Jennifer Hoyt
I think u should refer to them as the “chain gang”!
What great names! Thank you for giving them love and a great home.
I think you should get them a job as a demolition crew to repay you.
This actually brought a little tear to my eye. The fact that no one wanted them but you kept and loved all of them (and have 11 total)? You may proceed straight to Heaven (though hopefully not for many years since so many dog angels on earth need you!)
You have my problem times four. Our chihuahua mix has done more damage in one year than a two year old on a tear. Nevertheless, I forgive him every time. He’s adorable and I love him to death. Your crew is no doubt well coordinated in their efforts by now, too.
God bless you for taking in these 4 sweet boys.
How can you absolutely not love every aspect of this? (Although perhaps you should apply for a puppy grant somewhere? 😉
jana perkins
I think I have their sister!
Bless you for taking them – and keeping them : ) I have two that I refuse to walk together anymore, and I’m only 40 and in pretty good shape!! They are adorable.
Bad boys, bad boys whatcha gunna do?
Ann Y.
Thank you for being such a wonderful dog mom and taking these sweethearts into your home and your life! You love them as unconditionally as they love you!
They look innocent to me.
The world could use more of this...
You are truly a saint! Thank god for people like you!!
This has inspired me to keep a running list of everything our Great Dane/pit/Dalmation mix destroys. Like you, we still adore him. You’re amazing, what a blessing you are to these sweet furry goofs!
I completely understand. My 45 lb black lab is 2 now, but as a puppy she destroyed EVERYTHING in sight. She was a rescue and while at our friends what I now call her “foster mom and dad” she destroyed an entire patio set of furniture, carpet on their covered porch, three dog beds of her big sister Lucky’s, various flower pots and when she came to live with my husband and I, she went on to destroy three tablet chargers, a blanket, two tupperware bowls, a book, stuffed animal and a pair of underwear. They are such sweet babies though your such a good mom!