My name is Macy & one year ago today, I got ‘dopted by my FUREVER family!! This is my big brother, Mugsy. I like to bite his back legs. All. The. Time.
My name is Mugsy. I’ve been here for almost 3 years and Mom never made me a sign like this. I’m kind of mad.
Mugsy and Macy were both adopted from local rescue organizations, and we couldn’t be happier with our decision. Macy had a tough life before she came to us, and we are so happy that she will spend the rest of her life being pampered as a Pug should be!
What cute and lucky babies they are =))
Ann Blanchard
Wonderful post! Woot woot for Mugsy and Macy!!
they are so cute& terribly comfy! lucky puppy dogs!
Jakey's mum
Yay for adopting rescue digs! I adopted my Jakey from the Ontario Basset Rescue (for whom I now volunteer) 4.5 yrs ago and he’s the sweetest, cutest most lovable “bagel” (mostly basset with tiny bit of beagle mix) ever. He came to me at age 2ish, housetrained, snuggly and friendly to all people and dogs.
I’d strongly recommend adopting a rescue dog (and especially an adult dog) to anyone considering getting a new furry friend!
You are so right Jakey’s Mum. We always get older animals that were abandoned for one reason or another. Since they aren’t puppies , or kittens, they may not be with us as long, but they sure make lovable and loving pets.
So true! Both our daughters adopted rescued dogs and I truly believe these dogs know they’ve been given a second chance. They are sweet, loving, loyal little animals and we can’t imagine not having them in our lives! Best grand-puppies ever!:o)
Just another thought. Because I’ve reached an age when I don’t particularly need anything for my birthday, I asked my daughters to give something from the list of needed items posted on the website of our local SPCA shelter. One daughter gave a cash donation (for which a tax receipt was given) and the other chose to buy a CD player (on sale at Canadian Tire) and a couple of classical CDs. Apparently this type of music calms the shelter animals at nap time (who knew?!). Hey, whatever helps get them to their furever home, right!
I think adopting older dogs and those whose time is appoaching is one of the greatest gifts we can give. It breaks my heart how many senior dogs are dumped and left in shelters in their old age. Good for you!
Those faces…..o.m.g…. I must have…. so adorable!
I <3 My Pug. They are amazing dogs, full of life, love and personality.
Fern Smith
You’re wonderful! ♥
How wonderful you adopt them both from rescue organizations, lucky pugs!
Congrats to both Macy & Mugsy! What a jolly family you must have!
spiders mum
Yay! Lucky dogs and good on you for adopting them. May you have many happy years together 🙂
Bless you!!!
awww… omg! they’re so cuuuute! look at those eyes!
hats off to mama for rescuing these sweethearts!
Awww…sibling love bites 🙂 So cute!
Claudia Nelson
What little sweethearts. Those faces, those faces.
I have two rescues, and love them both so much. I will never have a dog that ISN’T a rescue dog. they make the best pets.
I have 5 rescue animal companions. Two dogs and 3 cats. They are the most loyal, loving and grateful you can ever have in your life. Good job ‘dopting.
Aw, such precious babies! Thank you for saving Macey & sorry, Mugs, but I think you’re stuck with her!
We foster for pug rescue & it’s the best-everyone should try it!
Thanks everybody!!! I made Mugsy a sign for his 3rd annifursary with us on July 1. =:oD