I like to BARK (loudly) at my Mom when she is on important business calls. Then she waves her hands around at me. It is FUN! Tino
Tino is just a pup but has figured out that Mom doesn’t say anything when she is on the phone and he is being naughty. What fun!
Angela Dudek
Mine did that too when I worked at home…. fun times
Angie Treasure
Mine too!! lol
My 4 70 pound Lab-mix pups come running when I’m on the phone with a friend because I’m usually talking in a friendly voice and laughing. They try to get in my lap.
Totally mine too. At the beginning, when Millie barked at me when I was on a Skype conference, I gave her a cookie. Worst mistake I ever made. Now, whenever I talk on the computer or on the phone, she INSISTS that she’s entitled to a treat. I also wave my arms at her and she thinks that’s weird. sigh!
Our fur babies know how to train us LOL!
ANY time I’m on a call, my dog cries, lol! If I’m in bed talking or even reading a text, she lays on my chest to block the phone from me.
well you should be talking to HER. not other people. jeeze XD
Susana Wolfe
Yes, my three labs wait for the exact moment when I am making a presentation on a webinar or conference call to vocalize.
Shark Girl
So familiar! My two did that all the time. Once I was on a telephone job interview – somehow I still got the job!
Jayne Brayer
I’m the one who has to go to another room to make any work calls…Otherwise my 2 shephard mixes bark, growl and play really loud! Sounds like I work at a kennel!
I know this feeling all to well! I have two dogs that apparently feel that me being on the phone means that they should start to play and run laps and bark as loud as they can. I put them in the basement when my phone rings!