“I like to eat the bathroom trash and then lick the deodorant off my dad’s armpits because my breath stinks. He doesn’t like this for some reason.” Austin has a bathroom trash and deodorant fetish. He likes to dump the trash and drag it all over the house, then find my husband and try to lick his armpits. It’s weird – he never does one unless he’s done the other!
ROFLMBO…..hahahahahahahahahaha……..GROSS but hahhahahahahaha
What? Doesn’t everyone do that?
Some things just go together. You know, like cookies and milk. One without the other just isn’t the same.
Austin is too cute for words. That’s how they always get us. The cuteness never fails.
You aren’t alone. My dogs love to lick deodorant! So weird…
I have a mini schnauzer who also has that thing for armpits & deodorant.
I have a mini Schnauzer as well. He does love the armpits and deodorant. It must be a schnauzer thing!!