“I like to steal your pants while you’re in the shower! I’m not even a little bit ashamed! – Little Bro”
Brover is a master pants thief. If you leave the door unlocked while you’re in the shower, it doesn’t matter if your pants are tangled in your trousers or up on the toilet seat, he will find them and steal them!
awwwwwww what a sweetheart!!!! He seems pretty pleased with himself! 😉 😀
He looks proud of himself 🙂
Kat Mortensen
That’s just PANTS!!!
Carol VZ
I cannot STAND how cute this puppy is! I rescued my puggle at age 1-1/2. He’s still incredibly cute, but OMG what a puppy he must have been!
If he’s part pug it doesn’t surprise me! My pug likes to steal my panties & take them outside to chew on. LORTTTTT
My girl doesn’t do that. She waits until she has a chance at a bra that costs 10x as much so that she can really hear the howling when I chase her.