My cavachon Charlie ran the ColorBlast 5k with me at my university and stole the hearts of everyone there. NOTE: colored powder will NOT come out of dog fur. The groomers judged us…we are not sorry. It was 100% worth it!
My cavachon Charlie ran the ColorBlast 5k with me at my university and stole the hearts of everyone there. NOTE: colored powder will NOT come out of dog fur. The groomers judged us…we are not sorry. It was 100% worth it!
Hahaha! Dog groomers cam be so judgemental! Charlie is too cute! 😛
Cheryl Moore
But he is so colorful and beautiful!
OMG is he adorable in his rainbow colors!
Jennifer Dokes
Adorable! I’ve seen people color their dogs out of vanity, but at least this one was innocent fun and more than likely benefited a great charity.. Groomer shouldn’t judge. 🙂
So he can go as a hippie for Halloween. He’s already tie-died.
So what if the color doesn’t come out. He is a cutie. If its that big of a deal, shave him down. Its just hair and will grow back.
Jessica M.
Oh my gosh! Did you run the Color Run in NJ a few weeks ago? If yes, we started in the same heat as you and totally snapped some photos of this little cutie! If not, then you have a serious twin doggie in NJ!
Our groomer has a white poodle who is wearing a different color on a different part every time we go there. Usually it’s his feet, but often also his topknot or a fancy swirly/colored trim on his back. SOME groomers aren’t snooty!!
We ran the ColorBlast at James Madison University in VA to benefit a local program. It was so much fun!
You rock, Charlie!
Lisa Duskis
Being the Devil’s advocate here, but they may have only been concerned about the potential toxicity to the dog from the coloured powder.
But, they shouldn’t have judged.
the powder was just flour and a little bit of food coloring!-completely harmless….just a pain to wash out =)