“I ATE 3 BIG STEAKS OFF THE DINING ROOM TABLE WHEN MY HUNGRY FAMILY WASN’T LOOKING. I KNEW IT WAS WRONG AND I DID IT ANYWAY.” Finn can’t help himself, he will scavenge any food left within reach as soon as your back is turned. We had salad.
“I ATE 3 BIG STEAKS OFF THE DINING ROOM TABLE WHEN MY HUNGRY FAMILY WASN’T LOOKING. I KNEW IT WAS WRONG AND I DID IT ANYWAY.” Finn can’t help himself, he will scavenge any food left within reach as soon as your back is turned. We had salad.
Finn you are adorable! What a score!
Eileen Dominick Long
Oh that face! Finn you are too cute to stay mad at!
Finn has apparently never seen the Simpsons: “You don’t win friends with salad. You don’t win friends with salad.” It’s a good thing he has “the look” down.
Jackie Newman
SHAME on you, puppy!
Rosie's grandma!
My pup did the same thing (only got 1 steak though). But after we had supper, she then stole the apple pie!
Laurie Brook Summers
What kind of dog is this. He is just incredible!