Lulu was feeling left out in the Thanksgiving festivities so she had her own little party involving her dad’s wallet. She completely destroyed all credit/debit cards and left him with one chewed up 10! She’s not at all sorry! Next time share the real meal and your things won’t get hurt! Gobble gobble! Love Lulu
She is 100% right, you should have shared.
You can make up for this on the next holiday or well, you know what will happen.
She’s gorgeous!
Ah, setters! They are wonderful dogs but DREADFUL puppies. It gets better, I promise. 🙂
Lulu person
Thanks!! She is a handful and stubborn as anything!! I can’t wait until puppy time is over!
She’s thinking “Mom and Dad need to take this $10.00 and buy me some treats!! I’ll wait in the car.” What a beautiful dog!!!!!!
She is very pretty and very not sorry!!