This little girl was just trying to pet Murphy, but he had other plans. He sniffed around at her feet for a minute and then decided to pee right on her leg. The little girl cried and her mother was not happy with us…
This little girl was just trying to pet Murphy, but he had other plans. He sniffed around at her feet for a minute and then decided to pee right on her leg. The little girl cried and her mother was not happy with us…
lol 😀 he does look sorry for it, though 😛 I love the way he’s sitting 😀
But he really looks like he’s sorry.
Getting peed on at the dog park is a risk we all take, and it’s happened to me. Comes with the territory…there, there, Murphy!
You bring a kid to a dog park you take your chances.
haha! true!
What an amazingly contrite face Murphy has! I love it!!
karen vedra
Our Yorkie ran out during Trick or Treat. When a little lion picked him up, he dribbled on her cute costume.
I would have told her to think of it as an honor! He was marking his territory – he wanted to keep her.
annette brockman
good come back Trish
Greatest face ever! Please, if a little pee is all you get on you at the dog park count yourself lucky.
He was simply being sincere, “I own you lit’ one!” LOL!
It’s not a kids park, but a dogs park ! Then…
The kid could’ve stepped in worse, Murphy. But perhaps try to control your ‘bits’ better next time. Hahahaaaa
Dogs do what dogs do. If you can’t handle a little pee, you need to stick to cats! Murphy is quite the cutie.
He does look incredibly sorry. Maybe he’s just sorry he couldn’t keep the girl to be his friend!!
Whats a little pee on the leg amongst friends ?
Its better than poo on the shoe !
Love all of your comments, Computiac!
He was busy!
Babydoe Venekamp
What a cutie!!!