My name is Neeko Bear Paw and I sneak in my Mom and Dad’s bathroom and lift my leg on their toilet. Not the inside, the outside! I will do it again and again if they leave the door open. I am really not sorry.
My name is Neeko Bear Paw and I sneak in my Mom and Dad’s bathroom and lift my leg on their toilet. Not the inside, the outside! I will do it again and again if they leave the door open. I am really not sorry.
Kris Baldo
He’s got the idea, but needs some encouragement to aim correctly. Leave the lid up and provide a little stairway to get higher? P.S., Neeko, you are very handsome.
sue brightman
Yep….leave the seat up and maybe a rope toy on the flush – clever boy Neeko Bear Paw 🙂
Nicole Burley
Smarty paws
That is one good looking dog! 🙂 I bet he gets away with everything lol
Its on tile…..it could be worse.
Soooooo close !
You are a very handsome boy!! It’s because Papa missed!! That’s why you did that!