Getting ready for school for my rescue boxer banyan. It’s for dogs with some issues. She’s from the streets of LA & ended up in a high kill shelter! Now she’s living large & getting some better manners. She has two Rhodesian ridgeback brothers & we love her!!!
Jakey's Mum
My rescue basset hound Jakey was almost expelled from “Basic Obedience for Adult Dogs with No Prior Experience” starting in week 3 (of 8) for “failing to keep up with his classmates”. Dog school was the worst hour of my week, every week.
To be fair, Jakey was not keeping up with his classmates. However, if my 2 year old dog came from 20+ feet away when I called his name without a cookie in my hand, I would NOT have needed to enroll him in “Basic Obedience for Adult Dogs with NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE”!
Well you’ve got the eye’s down to perfection even if class doesn’t go so well on your first day.
How lucky she is to find a loving home. Good luck to you and Banyan (great name)
Awww, what a cutie. Looks more like “I’m paying attention to the cookie” eyes than sad puppy dog eyes to me though. 🙂
I love that you rescued her and she’s loved now. Makes me happy!
Work it, Banyan! Lol!
Kim Cronin
oh my goodness! That face!!!
Spider's mum
You are very special indeed, Banyan. Good luck at puppy school. You’ll be fine, I’m sure.
I see a commercial or a movie in her future.
My dog flunked obedience school because he was too scared to do anything.
Aw Mom, so I have to go? What a sweet face!
Susan Bechhoefer
omg those eyes!! hahaha feisty feido class…learn to channel her energy into something productive!
Those are the cutest puppy eyes I’ve ever seen!! Someone’s nervous for their first day of school 🙂
So beautiful! She looks like a cartoon (in a good way). Good luck in Dog School, sweetie!
OY! That is the most incredibly pathetic sad face ever…yet so adorable I can’t stop looking at it! Actually brought a tear to my eye!!! I already forgot what she did wrong…..(I think that’s her plan!)
Whoops…she didn’t do ANYTHING wrong! She’s just a beauty! And, she’s so grateful that you have brought her into the family…what wonderful people you are! The world needs more of you!
Jean the dogwalker
OMG! Best sad eyes EVER!!
He’s got those sad eyes down PAT! Thank you for saving this cutie xx