“I pooped on a public campground road with no poop bags.” Bennie pooped on a quick walk to he dumpsters and dad got left with a little pile of poo in the middle of the road while mom dashed back to the camper for a bag. Bennie was pleased with himself while dad was embarrassed and turned red!!
Poor put upon Bennie. He looks so ashamed that his humans forgot the bags. Shame on you humans!
Tara Anderson
Not dog shaming here, HUMAN shaming. The sign should be in front of the human, not the dog!
Scott Brady
Poor little Bennie! It’s not his fault, you gotta go you gotta go. This shaming sign should be in front of his humans. Like myself when I take my 2 Shih Tzu’s out whether it be just in the yard or a walk I always remember the poop bags. Your a good boy Bennie and you have no reason to hang your head in shame
Bennie goes au naturale! we’re in the woods ma!