Ronnie was unsure of his new baby brother. Click through to see how it turned out!

Turns out Stanley (baby) and Ronnie (pup) are the best of friends and dad Scott couldn’t be happier. Daddy Scott happens to be a budding photographer, so if you’d like to take a look at more of his artwork, click here! Congrats to the whole family! WOOF!
Crystal Fitchner
Uh… are we looking at pics from the future?
I believe that might be March 11, 2014
megan Lillich
it european dating- 11/3/2014 is equal to March 11 2014
Pinta's People
Thanks Megan saved me some date translating!
Anne S
No, we in the USA number our dates backwards from most of the rest of the world. The baby was due March 11th 🙂
I believe the date was 11th of March, 2014.
They will have a beautiful relationship growing up, I’m sure <3 Congrats to the fam!
Beautiful baby and pup. Congratulations!
Awww they are both too cute for words, glad it worked out
Joy A
Very cute. What breed is your dog? I have one that looks very similar. The rescue said he was Bichon-poodle but I think not…..
Whatever date, he IS here! Congrats! The pup looks like he has Yorkie in him.
Also the military dates documents this way too as my late husband was military and he did this too.
Maybe things have changed. During my military service, we’d use 11MAR14.
Crystal Fitchner
Lol, I thought I was going crazy, thanks for the info everyone 🙂
Croc Dundee
We do the date the same in Australia. Beautiful baby and dog.
Mel P
You are so blessed, a beautiful baby and what a proud looking pup.
so precious!!!