“I eat poo right out of my brother’s bum. I am a dirty, dirty girl!”
Scout and Ranger are litter mates and Scout sometimes thinks that her brother is a Pez dispenser. She is not sorry for her behaviour. She is not allowed to lick me.
“I eat poo right out of my brother’s bum. I am a dirty, dirty girl!”
Scout and Ranger are litter mates and Scout sometimes thinks that her brother is a Pez dispenser. She is not sorry for her behaviour. She is not allowed to lick me.
Nancy Kavanagh
Wow! That is funny!
Kim Ber Ly
I blame Ranger 😉 Has he no shame?
Jesse's Mom
Wow — does Scout have a vitamin deficiency or just a poo fetish? 😉
Fresh from the bakery !
K's mom
Add some crushed pineapple or pineapple chunks to Ranger’s food. (Or both, since Scout may decide to start eating her own poo.). Something about the enzymes in the pineapple make their poo less tasty.
He looks like he likes it, and she looks hungry.
I could have happily lived my entire life without knowing this sort of thing existed. Yuck!
I’ll never look at a Pez dispenser the same way!
This is equal parts hysterical and troubling!!! Perfect pic too. Lololol