This is 7 yr old Dixon. I adopted him in July/2013 (yes, this pic is old), and he is the most ornery dog, ever. Apparently I’m his 4th owner. Can’t imagine why… but I will be his final owner he’s in his forever home!
This is 7 yr old Dixon. I adopted him in July/2013 (yes, this pic is old), and he is the most ornery dog, ever. Apparently I’m his 4th owner. Can’t imagine why… but I will be his final owner he’s in his forever home!
Awesome family!
Maybe he’s like one of those kids that is in the foster system and is bounced around and is just trying not to get attached because he knows he will be leaving soon??? Or maybe he’s just a snot?? There is a special place for people like you that will still give him a forever home!
Fritz Candelaria (@fritzdogC)
He’s very cute and lucky to have you. What types of trouble does he get into?
life can’t be to bad, he is on the couch, with a human near him.
Good for you! I hate people who dump a pet at the first sign of trouble.
I have his 1st cousin. A very loving Jack Russell………….but he is a rascal as well. Walks on the leash for the past 2 years and pulls and almost pulls me down when a leaf is blown by the wind. Simply can not understand going to the bathroom outside. I take him for a 30 minute walk and he waits to get back inside to go. He is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever owned. I am his 3 owner. I found him and took him to Pet Smart to find that he had a chip. When I got in touch with his owner………they said “You keep him, his name is Winchester”. They said they were too busy to care for him. I will keep him forever. : )
He’s a handsome guy. Thanks for not giving up on him!
Sue H
but you said you are keeping him. that makes you truly a special person and he will realize that and love you forever.
I am my pug Bear’s 3rd home, we love him!
christy brown
Pets need more people like you in the world. Some pets just need to be understood like some people do. Good luck and thank you for being a wonderful person!
Bless you for sticking by him when so many others wouldn’t!!!
Francisco Cano
I had a lab pointer mix. Boomer was one of the best dogs I’d ever had and was my first rescue. He had 3 homes before me. I almost didn’t take him out I’d the kennel he looked so sad. He was scheduled to be put down in a week if nobody took him! I’m glad I did he he gave me 8 more happy years after I rescued him!
Francisco, you & others like you are good people & deserve good in return!
I am rooting that soon Dixon is feeling secure enough that you are his forever family & bless you all for taking the time to work on being his forever family!
Carolyn P.
Any updates on him?
My brother actually told me a few months ago to get rid of Dixon or move out. So just yesterday Dixon and I moved to a new home! I meant it when I said he’s mine for good 🙂
yes!! thank you!! Karme will bless you for looking after him!
We were our pup’s 4th home also. For a long time, she was a real handful, until she finally felt safe and secure. She’s gone from a devil dog, to an angel – it was so worth it to hang in there! Our dog was only 2 when we got her, so Dixon probably just needs a little time. Kudos to you for being a kind and loving dog guardian.
Thank you for not failing him and giving up on him as others had. Although he may not act like it I know he’s very grateful you’ve given him a loving home to call his own.
Thank you for not giving up on your dog – however, I have the crabbiest dog on the face of the earth – he is not a “morning” dog the way I am not a morning person. When he is going to sleep don’t mess with him (the way I don’t want anyone bothering me) – and he can turn from happy to no so happy on a dime (the same way I can) – So I think we are perfectly matched! I think the devil dogs, satan’s spawn – hounds of hell – what ever you may call them – are the best!
I have two cats. My oldest is on his third home because nobody understood him as an excessively needy kitten. He is still very needy at over 12 years old. The youngest, his second, because his rescuer turned out to be extremely allergic to him (swollen eyes, swollen throat, hives).
Holly Hill
One of my dogs was a shelter dog and I am his 3rd owner. He us a schnauzer dachshund mix=handful!… He was dumped at the shelter as a pup of 3 months… lived there 4 months of his life was adopted by someone who obviously didn’t spend time with him and later returned him in a week for being too destructive putting him automatically on death row… I want in with one of my other dogs hoping to find him a sibling since we had recently lost one and saw him and he looks like his big brother…. they got along great so I adopted him knowing he was destructive. .. 1 yr later I have yet to see him destroy anything other than his toys! He is the most lovable cuddly boy! He has a little sister now who he has helped raise and protects her lol
Spider's mum
I hope Dixon comes right eventually (and I’m sure he will). One of our rescues was a ratbag and we were told you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I wish I hadn’t listened to that because with patience and persistence, you can. Good luck!
Good for you, don’t give up on a misunderstood dog. Love conquers all. He has been bounced around and will take time to adjust and trust.
Thank goodness you never gave up!
As a rescuer, I can’t thank you enough for honoring your commitment to him. Three others didn’t. You’ll be blessed for doing so.
I feel blessed. He may not be “perfect”, but he is very special to me. Just yesterday Dixon and I moved to a new home after my brother told me to get rid of him or move. I will never give up on Dixon, he is my furkid thru and thru!
It’s a shame your brother just doesn’t understand.
Sarah Wheeler
Well done for sticking by him, give him time and he will repay you with lots of love. We have a Beagle who had been bounced from home to home and he was a little sod for about the first 8 mnths that we had him. I swear he was testing us to see if we would stick with him. He is a complete treasure now though. Good luck and lots of love to you and Dixon in your new home. x
Thank you for becoming his forever family. I adopted a senior Maltese. They thought he was 10 when I got him, but it turned out that he was 12 years old and I was his fourth mom. Unfortunately, I only had him for 2 years, when he crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but they were glorious!
I understand your situation, I ended up with a purebred monster dog on his 3rd home who nobody could handle. All it took was some training and consistency (and a LOT of exercise!), now he is a therapy dog and so well behaved. He was misunderstood just like your little guy but just needed to be matched up with the right home for him.
Yea for you and your family! Thank you for loving the little critter.
I also am the 4th home of my dog Casey she was picked up as a stray and then surrendered 3 times all before the age of 2. She has been with us for 3 years now. It took here almost a year to start to attach to us. She wanted nothing to do with humans. She still isn’t 100% but that’s what makes things interesting.