Lacy likes to be a bit mischievous by pooping on the carpet next to the door. The door we kindly leave open for the dogs to lay in the sun and use the facilities whenever needed. Everyone else seems to understand the concept until Lacy finds it humorous to poop – not on the tile next to the open door BUT the carpet. Love you Lacy 😀
Debra Yattaw
Mine thinks the outdoors is a place you pass through while getting in the car to take car rides. It’s also good for porch sitting and barking at baby buggies. DONT soil it by deficating on it!
Poop outside like a savage wild animal?
‘But it’s dirty out there!”
But she has such a remorse-filled LOOK !!!
My JRT Jack must agree with your dog. I can take him for the longest walk and he holds his poop until he comes in. We also have a doggie door but……he doesn’t like to be out there without a human and – well, HE can’t be expected to poop on GRASS (gasp and Oh the Humanity!)