If there has been a coyote prowling around at night, when mom lets me outside to potty, I go after it! I even almost caught one!! The best part is mom running across the yard in her pjs, in the dark, screaming like a lunatic because she’s afraid I’ll get eaten. Not sorry at all! – Mickey, Rat Terrier
Avis Ward
What a brave, dim dog. He’s quite handsome.
My mini dachshund chased one a few years back. I ran after, about an eight of a mile and finally caught up to them as the coyote turned on her. It saw me and ran again. If I hadn’t hoofed it so hard, she’d be a meatsicle!
Yep, that’s what RTs do…my little boy (11 lb runt) hates anything going anywhere near his property, and “marks” an outline of it every dang day! LOL
Perhaps he’s a Rat Terror and not a Rat Terrier?
You pup merely demonstrated the “It’s not the size of the dog; it’s the fight in the dog.” to the Coyote. Good doggie!
so glad your puppers isn’t know as “lunch” . .. scares the begeebers out of me! when the little dogs forget their size and the oppositions’ compunction!
Nancy Berg
My question: Is this a dog with body dysmorphic disorder or simply one bad ass, short legged terror of a terrier on the loose and looking for trouble. Bless his heart, only time will tell. Maybe he’s goin’ YOLO..
dangerous and not funny.
Jonna Kay
I also own a Rat Terrier, and yes, they think they are BAS ASS when it comes to anything else on 4 legs. I have pulled my Jupiter out of dog fights with German Shepherds and other big dogs.