1. Even when they’re grumpy, they still look adorable.

There are 8 more reasons below!
2. They can get away with the worse offences, because they are so darn shiny and cute.

3. They really know how to party!

4. They love pillow fights!

5. If they want the last cookie, they get the last cookie.

6. Blondes are totally team Edward.

7. They look great in a swimsuit.

8. They don’t do things like other people.

9. Blondes can be conceited (with good reason, look at that face!).

These dogs all seem pretty smart: I would throw. Up on that DVD also, if I were that pretty it is only right to want to look in the mirror, and why should the regal one get up off the couch after a long day of sleeping+
good points!
I especially like the defective lab! NONE of our (4) dogs would fetch, and ALL were/are largely lab. They have all been great swimmers, though; no life jackets!
Lindsay-Isabel Quesnelle
I’ve got a defective Lab as well. He can’t catch or fetch to save his life, hates water and can’t swim.
Bonnie Cohen
My labs would watch a ball sail over their heads and then wag their tails and grin. But nobody got off their butt to go get it.
Ha, ha, ha! None of our dogs like to swim and only like to catch food as it falls.
Anna carpenter
My lab works but is waaaaaaay too timid.