“Alone time” meaning my owners got to search for me for 5 hours in waist-deep snow and fall in rivers and nearly get frostbitten. I was waiting for them on some person’s front porch when they found me.
“Alone time” meaning my owners got to search for me for 5 hours in waist-deep snow and fall in rivers and nearly get frostbitten. I was waiting for them on some person’s front porch when they found me.
sharon c
Love your dog!
Oh no! Cute, cute fellow though 😉
So cute! But what a story!
mary k
Bless you for the searching…sounds like something most people would not have endured. At least she knew to sit and stay when she finished the chase.
Glad to know everyone was safe! Funny story tho’. Similar story but not as thrilling as yours: after being homed with us for a few days our rescue pushed through the screen door then took off into the hills to find the wildlife (we lived near a national park). We were worried sick searching for the lit’ rascal. Two hours later, we returned home seeing him sitting on our front porch with the look “Where the hell have you two been?!!” From then on he could only experience BORN FREE in our enclosed yard. LOL!
He was just being neighborly
Aww, he looks sorry! Well, no not really, but I’m sure he is! What a sweetie, he’s lucky to be so loved.