Maggie the beagle waits one second after the door is shut and then scouts out the trash and pantry. If we forget our doggie locks than it’s a lucky day for her. She has become rather rotund with her scavenging forays.
Maggie the beagle waits one second after the door is shut and then scouts out the trash and pantry. If we forget our doggie locks than it’s a lucky day for her. She has become rather rotund with her scavenging forays.
My beagle mix Maddie did the same thing the other day. She got into some high fiber cereal and had the same reaction that humans have when they eat a lot of fiber. The problem was was it was in my office. All over my office. 🙁
Deb Smith
My dog got into the pantry trash can and ate a whole turkey carcas, so we ran the wire for the electric radio fence in the basement ceiling under the area we wanted to keep him out of, Worked great