My four year old Pit bull mix named Hennessy, decided to sit pretty while having our picture taken at a pro pit bull protest.. He is a big tough guy as you can see 🙂
Sitting Pretty Protester

My four year old Pit bull mix named Hennessy, decided to sit pretty while having our picture taken at a pro pit bull protest.. He is a big tough guy as you can see 🙂
I like to lick out the grease trap on the grill.
Sometimes it spills.
My three month old puppy loves to get her teeth on that Charmin.
I ate my Mom’s prescription glasses last night because I knew she had been wanting new ones. I was only trying to help! P.S I ate her sunglasses last Friday…just because. -Ruby Doo
I was sooooo happy you are coming home I peed on your bed!
This is Azim. Azim likes to eat cat poop. Azim likes to eat cat poop in the yard. We decided to start using ground corn litter in out cat’s boxes as it’s better for their health. And we just adopted our 3rd cat who was a stray. We had to keep the bathroom door open so the cat would get use to using the box when he slept in the house at night. One morning we woke up, and all the litter was gone! We knew immediately that it was Azim. And he went from being a fit pit to being a fat one. Now, we have a door chain lock on the door so the dog won’t use his nose to open the door and the cat can slink in to use the box.
Violet really did NOT want her little sister to take her stuff AGAIN. So, she decided that maybe some time outside the fence was needed.
I cuddled my mom last night. I peed in my sleep all over her. Not sorry! Love Roo
Aloha! My name is Leilani! My mom was so excited to plant grass seed in the backyard so I decided to be a big help, but instead made a big mess!
Henry acted like he needed to go outside to go to the bathroom at 3am but got sprayed by a Skunk instead and ran though the house covered in skunk stink.