My foster pup apparently does not like my boots, she was nto ashamed until she had to take a picture with the evidence! Nova lives in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. He’s being fostered through LOYAL Rescue. Nova is a typical puppy, very sweet and playful but of course gets into anything she can. She is a tiny bit shy in newer situations and around new dogs but warms up quickly. She hasn’t met too many children but has no issues with adults, no stranger danger. Here is Nova’s profile.
This is my sister-in-law’s dog, Charlie, who sneakily stole the lid to the hot pot and chewed it up in the living room. It’s not the first time he’s been on my poop list. Nor the last.
Oscar is a 6 yr old Doxie/Beagle mix available for adoption in St. Charles, IL through Grahamville Rescue and Sanctuary. He is super sweet and loves other dogs and is great with kids. He is just full of personality and sometimes a little mischief 🙂 He is housebroken and crate trained. He will need a fenced yard or be on leash as he likes to chase things and disappear. He would love a playmate and enjoys his toys and a good bone. If you are interested in Oscar, here is his Petfinder profile.
Maymo the lemon beagle likes to delicately chew up sheets of toilet paper and keep them for safe storage underneath the spinning wheel in preparation for the apocalypse.
For more skullduggery, check out Maymo’s Facebook page HERE or YouTube page HERE