My name is “MugShot Molly”#120718I murdered mom’s RayBans so she can’t see what bad things I get into.#Innocent until proven guilty.#I plead the 5th
If you Can’t see it, did I Really do it?

My name is “MugShot Molly”#120718I murdered mom’s RayBans so she can’t see what bad things I get into.#Innocent until proven guilty.#I plead the 5th
We go out for dinner and they go into demolition mode!!
Son’s first poop on photo. Came back to Mugsy licking his chops and poop gone
I tried jumping on the sofa and missed. I head butted my mom in the face and broke her nose. She has a presentation at work on Monday. I am a near-sighted JERK!
This is Dumpster, a 2 year old English Bulldog who for the most part is a pretty good boy. He does however find a way into our bedroom and urinates on our king sized bed… He only does it to our bed! good thing we love him!
Guilty as charged!!
“I ate flour then drank water. Not only were my whiskers stuck together, I also left dough pawprints on the carpet.” – Blaze
Tugboat had some new found freedom and did not handle it very well!
I ate gravel and made messes in the house. Had to get x-rays at the vet only to be told I’m just gassy.
I just bought a brand new mega pack of toilet paper and I only left her alone for a second.