Crosby has mostly outgrown his chewing stage… But if it is in this corner, it’s fair game. Living plants included!
Nobody puts Crosby in the corner

Crosby has mostly outgrown his chewing stage… But if it is in this corner, it’s fair game. Living plants included!
Self explanatory.
Sachi: “I popped her eyeball out in a fight…”
Mac: “I started the fight.”
These two got into a minor squabble one day over some food and I ended up thousands of dollars poorer. Fortunately, Mac is just fine now and her crazy eye is part of her charm.
“I stole the rack of ribs daddy spent four hours grilling” she then buried her nose in the dirt to hide the evidence
I sneak into the pantry & eat the skin off the potatoes!
when i get scared during storms i poop on my (human) brother’s pillow
interspecies sibling shame