Ivy, a 6 month old Doberman puppy destroys Dad’s beer money.
Well now you have MORE money… pieces.

Ivy, a 6 month old Doberman puppy destroys Dad’s beer money.
No, I haven’t seen your red pen anywhere. Why do you ask? -Shimi
This is Zeus the 4 month old Doberman puppy. He is the biggest baby ever!
Hi. My name is Sasha. I like to wake you up by pouncing on you until however long it takes you to acknowledge my presence. Ignore me? I’ll pounce harder. Turn over and try to go back to sleep? Not on my watch. This picture was taken early morning on a day Allie was excited about sleeping in… sorry I’m not sorry.
Bella steals the bone from the bigger dogs, and they are too scared to take it back.
I like to snuggle with my sister.. but I’m no longer 10 pounds and I smush her.. and I don’t care.
Pilot (doberman) has snuggled up on top of his sister (McKenzie) during car rides since he was a puppy, but he’s no longer a puppy and he still does it! He has gotten bigger since this picture and continues to smush his sister and she continues to allow it.
“My Mom & Dad drove three hours to rescue me from a bad home. A week later this is how I thanked them.” Four year later, and our rescue Dobie, Anna, is still not allowed unsupervised in the house.
Hugo isn’t here right now.