I moo like a cow when my human is on business calls.
Bovine Business Calls

I moo like a cow when my human is on business calls.
Abbey is scared of everything, but tries to seem as tough as possible.
Mom and Dad were gone for 1 hour. In that time, we howled loud enough to set off the burglar alarm. Police were dispatched. We are NOT ashamed! – Rosco & Opie
I barked all the way through my mommy’s conference call.
I am such a clever dog. I recognize the music from any advert with cat dog, bear, tiger, wolf etc etc. I bark explosively as soon as the music starts, even before the dog/cat appears. I am obsessed.
I made Mummy get up at 4AM to change the battery on the smoke detector because I was scared of the beeping.
Stella snores so loud that she wakes herself up on a regular basis.
I Fark (Fart and Bark Simultaneously)
Bono farks whenever he gets nervous or sees the mailman.
Mimi seems to think that every time the door opens it is her cue to run out and chase squirrels relentlessly. Though she has never caught one she always tries. When she returns she knows she is in trouble so she acts pitiful. She will undoubtedly do it again.
I want to murder every dog in my neighborhood… Even the ones bigger than my Daddy.