I’m only allowed on the sheet.
I don’t Give a Sheet

I’m only allowed on the sheet.
Our two Golden Retrievers love all stuffed animals but use them to play ‘tug’ with them. I am soon finding the stuffing all over the rug. They really don’t seem to care what they did to poor Froggy!
My mom sent this to me after she arrived home this afternoon from work. I feel like the image more or less speaks for itself.
Our 4 month old Golden Retriever ate an entire footlong Subway sandwich while we were out front with a customer at our store.
Boomer ate an onion (poisonous to dogs) and when we induced vomiting, we found his secret stash!
Sign reads ‘I ate a piece of banana that was still attached to the bunch…peel and all.’
Our Golden Romey is ALWAYS hungry! He seizes every opportunity for extra food that the kids leave out.
I rolled in a rotting deer carcass twice in the last week…the smell didn’t come all the way out after my last bath.
It rained today and has amplified the odor considerably (yay!)
I also just drank a gallon of water and threw up right over there ===>
(I’m chewing on the sign in this picture)
xoxo Boone
This is my amazing dog- she loves to be with her people and fiercely guards us from the squirrels in the backyard. One night two years ago, she stayed with me all night and wouldn’t leave. She knew that I was suicidal and kept me safe. I love her and I am so thankful everyday for her in my life.
The UPS man forgot to throw me a cookie so I snuck into his truck and took a ride around the neighborhood. He had to deliver me back to my house.