I can sleep in your bed tonight, right.
I Can Sleep In Your Bed Tonight Right?

I can sleep in your bed tonight, right.
I turned on the gas stovetop trying to reach the leftovers. Thankfully mom heard the clicking and smelled gas before we all exploded. (Then I ate her iPad. Sorry, Mom.)
I like to pretend that I can’t jump in the back of the car (even though I can), so Mom and Dad have to lift me in….especially when I am wet and covered in Mud.
My full bowl of pasta that was in the middle of the table was empty when I came back. How he did it is anyone’s guess.
I make tribbles.
Editor’s note: set phasers to cute!
Amazing twitter submission from @angelconradie. Hello South Africa!
I went to work with dad then destroyed this rug – which was in someone else’s office, not his.
Murray is clearly ashamed (and possibly regretting that he didn’t swallow the evidence!)
I did it! If you leave me alone, I will do it again 🙂 -The Princess
Editor’s note: what was this before it got destroyed?? That’s impressive!
I pulled daddy’s expensive camera off the counter and broke the $400 lens. I’m plotting to get the next one too.