My big college brother came home. Well, he didn’t know that he was supposed to hide the remotes. I just couldn’t help it. Then, my momma came home.
Tasty Remotes

My big college brother came home. Well, he didn’t know that he was supposed to hide the remotes. I just couldn’t help it. Then, my momma came home.
Grandpa gave us a CD of 600 family photos – 7 generations!
I am a DVD killer. I even brought one that I killed to my owner. Shilo
I chewed up mom’s remote control to our tv while she was icing Day of the Dead cookies…it’s the second time this month!
Mom went to Paris without me … so I ate the SD card (with ALL the photos … BEFORE they got downloaded).
je t’aime,
I chewed up the internet cable so she would leave the computer and go play outside with me. And then I found out its raining outside. But now she’s mad and won’t throw fetch balls in the hallway.
Gunner decided to open the end table drawer and rummage through a few things to find his new chew toy….dad’s iPad. No shame.
My name is Bandit and I love my family so much because they rescued me. I can’t stand to be more than a few inches from them at all times. I love my mom so much. I am always under her feet. Sometimes I want to be so close to her I go between her legs when she’s walking with her laptop. Today she is sad because it fell to its death. I will comfort her by staying under her feet. (R.I.P. Laptop)
I bought a book from Amazon with only 1-click! Skye
I heard voices from the floor next to my chair. Oh no, my dog activated Siri from biting through my heavy duty phone case and cracked the glass!!