This is Hugo, our 4 year old Jack Russell. Hugo has a habit for trying to poop up or on things other than the grass. This weekend he took it too far and tried to poop on my hand while I was tending to my flowers!
High Flying Crap-ese Artist

This is Hugo, our 4 year old Jack Russell. Hugo has a habit for trying to poop up or on things other than the grass. This weekend he took it too far and tried to poop on my hand while I was tending to my flowers!
Daisy Mae loves her brother the cat, especially his poo.
“I jumped over the baby gate so I could snack from the cat box.”
I chewed up the internet cable so she would leave the computer and go play outside with me. And then I found out its raining outside. But now she’s mad and won’t throw fetch balls in the hallway.
They stole my 6 and 3 year old’s advent calendar from the kitchen and destroyed it.
Sir Henry is a rescue Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix. He is generally well-behaved, but his humans receiving packages in the mail is often not one of those times. (He also loves his Mr. Bill doll, as you can see by the photo.)
The sign says: “I sign for packages by peeing on them…how is that not helpful?! Henry”
Little Dinky wee’d on Grandpa’s car seat and then he sat in it!
Even though we have a million toys, we like to get creative!
-Sailor & Kona
Frenemies, Boris the Jack Russell and Emily, the one-eyed Chihuahua, came charging out the door for some morning sun today…
“I eat fertilizer out of the blueberry planter in the backyard.”–Hutch
Despite being… extremely elderly (exact age unknown) and toothless, Hutch hops between blueberry planters on three legs, sampling the finest fertilizer in the backyard.
I chewed the handle on dad’s chair…said I was sorry, but I’m not. For some reason Gibson thought that the new chair handle was his own personal chew toy.