I feasted on 2 socks and some towel pieces while my owners were on vacation. Then I got a piece of towel stuck in my guts and had to visit the vet ER with my owner’s kids… $$$
I Regret Noth…. Okay, Maybe I Regret the Second Sock

I feasted on 2 socks and some towel pieces while my owners were on vacation. Then I got a piece of towel stuck in my guts and had to visit the vet ER with my owner’s kids… $$$
I pooped at the office while my mom was honeymooning. Twice. I’m not sorry.
I let him. Sorry.
This is the third doggy bed daddy has brought home and this is the third doggy bed Ellie has destroyed in a matter of 4 months of being home!!!
My husband came home after a long day at work to find our 6 month old Mastiff Bernese Saint Bernard had torn apart his bed and he wasn’t even locked in his kennel.
It’s pretty hard to stay mad at that face.
I don’t like strangers coming to the house, they should not keep calm!
It wasn’t me. It was a meteoroid. I swear.
Running through the house at 100mph, I got stuck in the gate. Don’t worry, I’m fine. The wall however did not survive.
I eat random dog hair tumblrweeds
Editor’s note: and that stuff is expensive! Like $8/loaf!!
Editor’s note: I love the drool marks on the paper!