I tore up my brand new Christmas scarf and left evidence all over the floor…
Ho Ho… No

I tore up my brand new Christmas scarf and left evidence all over the floor…
My name is Rocky and these are the things I have eaten:
Tanning Oil
Winter Gloves
Winter Hats
(And I’d probably eat this headband too if they’d let me)
*Needless to say, we have to hide everything during the summer*
Every night, Buttercup sleeps on the floor next to my bed. Whenever I leave my room for a few seconds, I always come back to find her sleeping on my bed. She does not feel shameful, because she quickly falls asleep and snores.
“Run, run, as fast as you can Mr. Gingerbread man…I’ll still catch you…and destroy you.”
Max is always proud of his “kills” and the speed with which he can remove a squeaker from any toy. He likes to leave the fluff and “carcasses” scattered throughout the house. He decided to really get in the Christmas spirit by destroying his gingerbread man.
My counter-surfing lab sure put a dent in dinner…
“I stole Santa’s moustache and nose. I am going on the Naughty list forever.”
This is my Golden Retriever/Shih Tzu, Rocky. Apparently, Rocky isn’t worried about his naughty/nice status this year!
My name is Tucker and I love to steal my mom and dad’s socks. Sorry I’m not sorry….
Tucker is constantly grabbing our socks! He doesn’t ruin them or anything, just takes them and runs around the apartment with 1, 2, 3 sometimes more socks!
What? I thought mommy’s new shoes were my new chew toys!
Tinley, my 2 year old Golden Retriever likes to eat ornaments off the Christmas tree when no one is looking…including my favorite homemade ornament my son made in preschool.
“I’m a proud Golden Retriever with model-esque looks…why do my parents do this to me?”