Sign reads “I am a panty licker”. Clean or dirty, I’m not picky.
I Am A Panty Licker

Sign reads “I am a panty licker”. Clean or dirty, I’m not picky.
I hoard my mom’s socks & underwear under the couch.
I’m sorry I jumped on the dinner guest… With your granny panties stuck on my head…
I decided to be a masked avenger for Halloween this year…
“I just threw up a thong…” (this is NOT a one-time occurrence for basset/dachshund Wesley. Naughty dog.)
I ate 7 pairs of my roommates underwear – even though she lets me sleep on her bed when my parents are gone.
Bandit, the lhasa apso
At least he can’t eat the crotch out of them when he gets them stuck this tight!
I have found several underwear nests in her dog bed…and on my bed. Charming.
Mom’s not home? Let’s get into as much trouble as possible!
Editor’s note: oh my goodness, look at the little matching dunce caps!!
My name is Maggie and I’m a hoarder.