I tried to walk on the pool cover; I discovered I’m not Jesus. Mommy saved me!
Praise be!

I tried to walk on the pool cover; I discovered I’m not Jesus. Mommy saved me!
I received a “time out” in doggy day care for getting too “friendly” with the other dogs in my play group.
The Time Out Report says “Milo received a time out during the PM play session for humping”
Diego was sprayed by a skunk then hopped in my husband’s truck and rubbed himself all over the front seat. My husband had a rental for 5 days while his truck was being detailed. Luckily for my husband it came out, but unfortunately for Diego when his nose gets wet I can still smell a hint of skunk.
I rolled in mystery animal poop in the backyard just a few days after getting professionally groomed.
I can’t control myself around clothing. I’m not even sorry. I’ll do it again tomorrow. – Scout
I usually bring Penny to work (a video production house) for at least a half day. I usually close the audio room. This is what happens when I don’t.
Milo, my 1 year old spaniel mix, keeps chewing my shoes and this time he chewed my BRAND NEW shoes for work.
Came home one day to find a big hole the less than 2 year old floor covering!
Bailey decided to hide the organic free-range eggs all over the house. He is only sorry he was caught before he got to eat them
Dobby gets sick occasionally (sensitive stomach) and as soon as Duncan hears him retching, he is there in a flash too clean up the mess.