I broke my leash and tried to find my “brother” at the bus stop until the neighbours spotted me. Oops 😢
But I Wanted to Ride the Bus!

I broke my leash and tried to find my “brother” at the bus stop until the neighbours spotted me. Oops 😢
Pongo says, “I don’t like to go out when it’s raining, so I pooped on the deck. At least I kept my paws dry.”
I ate a whole pack of Bacon that was for my Humans Supper.
And I’m still hungry!
Our 3 year old lab/coonhound mix, Lucy loves to run and be outside. We moved to a house without a fence and woods in the backyard and she would escape from the house, slip out of her collar, and run into the woods any chance she got. So my husband and I spent thousands of dollars and with the help of family and friends almost 2 months to construct a fence to make a huge, beautiful backyard.
When the fence was finally finished, Lucy loved her new yard, she loved running around and sniffing everything. Until one day about 2 weeks in, a rabbit ran out from under our deck. My husband and I watched in shock as Lucy jumped the 4 and 1/2 foot fence chasing after the rabbit. Our hearts broke as all of our hard work and money seemed like a waste. Lucy, on the other hand, was having a grand time running after the rabbit through the woods getting muddy (we then had to give her a bath). Fence extensions and working with a trainer are in our future. We still love our little Houdini.
Cooper’s grandma Cari sent this in. Her son’s pup Cooper got into a bit of mischief, so in the meantime, she’s taking advantage of her dog-sitting duties to train this coonhound to find missing people! Oh, and also shame him, of course! Way to atone for your sins, Coop!
Vern hides behind his big sister Schatzie when he get’s scared. Schatzie is a nine year old, 12 pound, paralyzed dachshund. Vern is a 60 pound, two year old red bone coon hound!